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Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Your Workplace

Have You Been Wondering How to Promote Health and Wellbeing Amongst Your Employees?

With Thrive4Life, promoting health and wellbeing is easy.

We believe that education is key to a successful corporate health and wellbeing strategy that really works. Promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace is essential for supporting those struggling with their mental or physical health, preventing the development of work-related physical conditions and mental illnesses like stress or anxiety, and creating a positive, open, and supportive workplace culture where your team feel comfortable, happy, and ready to do their best.

However, we know that it can be difficult to know where to start when building and promoting your health and wellbeing policy. That’s where we can help.

Our diverse range of flexible, effective health and wellbeing services, including our workplace health and wellbeing newsletter, mental health training services, and employee health screening provision, will help you raise awareness of the importance of health and wellbeing and what you’re doing to improve physical and mental health amongst your team.

We’re experts in knowing how to promote health and wellbeing amongst those who matter the most: your team.

We strive to make our products as accessible as possible: this is why most of our services can be tailored to meet your requirements and delivered either online or on-site, depending on your preferences.

Promoting Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: What We Offer

Health and Wellbeing Discovery Hub

A digital library of accurate, fascinating health and wellbeing articles and content for your team to read whenever, wherever.

Workplace Wellbeing Talks

Monthly webinars live-streamed to your employees on any and every aspect of mental and physical health and wellbeing, led by leading medical consultants and those at the forefront of the march towards better wellbeing for all.

Workplace Health and Wellbeing Newsletters

Professionally designed, fully researched monthly newsletters consisting of two articles on various health and wellbeing topics, coinciding with key health awareness dates.

Promotional Health and Wellbeing Stand

Promotional stands to raise awareness about health and wellbeing at your corporate events.

Employee Health Screening – “Know Your Numbers”

Quick 15 or 20-minute physical health checks for employees of key health statistics (including blood pressure, BMI, blood sugar, and cholesterol) to help them gain a measure of their overall health.

Wellbeing Consultancy

Our workplace health and wellbeing experts make promoting health and wellbeing easy – they’re ready to help you create the most effective physical and mental health strategy possible.

Wellbeing Champion Training

Employee training sessions to equip volunteers with the skills they need to champion physical and mental health and well-being in your workplace.

Line Manager Mental Health Training

Our training course for line managers will teach your line managers how to promote health and well-being in your workplace, with our instructors educating and empowering them with the information and skills they need to support their team’s mental wellbeing.

Mental Health First Aid and Skills Development Courses

Training to qualify members of your team as Mental Health First Aiders – or, for those already qualified as Mental Health First Aiders, further deepen and refine their mental health skillset.

Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation

Promoting health and wellbeing amongst your team is about doing the inner work, too. Introducing your team to the power of mindfulness and meditation, our experienced mindfulness trainer will teach them mental techniques for relieving stress, anxiety, and mental health issues.

Injury Prevention

Keep your team physically safe, comfortable, and happy at work by caring for their musculoskeletal health with our range of injury prevention solutions, including our online DSE workstation assessment tool, one-to-one DSE workstation assessments, specialist ergonomic training, and consultancy services.

At Thrive4Life, we make promoting health and wellbeing simple.

Enough talk, let's make something happen!

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