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Show Wellbeing Support for Your Employees with Our Health and Wellbeing Promotional Stand

Demonstrating your commitment to comprehensive, authentic, and nuanced wellbeing support for your employees has never been more important.

Our Health and Wellbeing Promotional Stand can be used at corporate events and engagements to help you raise awareness of the employee wellbeing support provision you offer to support your team’s physical and mental health.

We offer this bespoke service for companies looking to raise the profile on the health and wellbeing support services they can offer their employees, while simultaneously introducing employees to and improving awareness of our Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre.

This hub of health and wellbeing services is based in the Lloyd’s Building, at the heart of the Square Mile, and is a locus for a wide range of mental and physical wellbeing services, including osteopathy, life coaching, pain reprocessing therapy, and acupuncture. Here, your team can have 1:1 appointments with any of our practitioners, attend Pilates or Mindfulness Meditation classes, and even attend our lunchtime health and wellbeing talks led by leading medical consultants and wellbeing experts.

We all know how critical wellbeing support for your employees is, and these Promotional Stands are the perfect opportunity to place your commitment to better mental and physical health in the workplace centre stage. They’ll add a personalised health and wellbeing presence to any and every corporate event, ensuring your team are familiar with your employee wellbeing support strategy and equipped with the information they need to feel healthier and happier both inside and outside work.

Our Health and Wellbeing Promotional Stands: The Lowdown

Showing your commitment to wellbeing support for your employees at events just got easier. Our Stands are:

  • Fully managed.
  • Include gift hampers containing branded items, free for visitors to the Stand: Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre pens, snacks, and leaflets.
  • Offer a prize draw to win a free 30-minute massage at the Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre.
  • Offered free of charge to businesses operating close to the Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre.

Enough talk, let's make something happen!

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