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Injury Prevention Training Solutions

Our portfolio of musculoskeletal injury prevention training solutions provide specialist ergonomic consultancy and training services to reduce the risk of work-based injuries, improve worker wellbeing and productivity, and ensure compliance with Health and Safety regulations for Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and manual handling.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) resulting from prolonged sedentary work and manual handling account for approximately 30% of all work-related ill health cases every year.

Our dedicated team of osteopaths and physiotherapists offer a range of manual handling training courses to equip your employees with practical skills for managing their health and wellbeing and ensure you meet your legal responsibility to staff.

We offer a range of assessor, instructor and practical skills courses for DSE and manual handling work.

DSE Assessor Training Course

Course overview:

Our DSE Assessor Training Course trains delegates to become qualified DSE Assessors who can carry out assessments in-house and help to fulfil the business’s legal responsibility to ensure the health, safety and general wellbeing of staff.

We can train between 2 and 10 members of staff per full-day course, providing you with a fast, flexible and cost-effective risk management solution.

The training course equips delegates with DSE risk reduction strategies beyond the minimum requirements of the DSE regulations, and includes time for the practical application of skills and group mentoring with our professional training consultant.

Course objectives:

  • Familiarises delegates with relevant Health and Safety DSE regulations
  • Introduces delegates to current knowledge and understanding of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  • Provides delegates with guidance on completion of the DSE Assessment form
  • Teaches delegates about correct workstation setup
  • Advises delegates on training end-users in DSE best practice techniques
  • Introduces procedures for ongoing monitoring and review of employees

Price and availability:

The DSE Assessor Training Course is priced at £545 + VAT per day, and can be scheduled to start on any day (subject to trainer availability).

Manual Handling Training Courses

We provide specialist human ergonomic courses for manual handling training that are designed to ensure compliance with Health and Safety regulations while equipping employees with a holistic understanding of the musculoskeletal factors associated with manual handling work.

Our expert trainers offer a mix of in-person, online and hybrid consultation services to meet your requirements and utilise a range of engaging and interactive training methods to ensure your employees get the most out of their training experience.

Our manual handling training courses aim to go further than simply ensuring compliance by empowering employees to make positive changes to their work routines and reduce the risk of work-based musculoskeletal injuries.

Courses offered:

  • Practical Skills in Manual Handling
    3-hour course delivered directly to the workforce.
  • Manual Handling Instructor Course
    2-day course aimed at training delegates within your business to become in-house manual handling instructors.
  • Manual Handling Risk Assessor Course
    3-day course aimed at training delegates within your business to become in-house training instructors and to carry out in-house manual handling risk assessments.

Price and availability:

Please enquire further about our manual handling training courses.

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